XMSS – Product Presentation

eXtended Management-Support-System (XMSS)

Prototype vs. 0.5

(c) by Nuri Ayhan Doger (2006)

XMSS – Presentation vs 0.23

Table of Content

  1. Introduction
  2. The User-Interface
  3. The User-Model
  4. The IT-Model
  5. Realisation
  6. Conclusion
  7. Sources

1 Introduction

1.1 What is XMSS?

XMSS vs. 05 is an executable and evolutionary web-based prototype built for a Management Support System (MSS) scenario. Its usability and functionality was proved with the use in the freelancer-network www.nexusnexus.net (2008).

The idea for the concept started with my Master Thesis in 2006.

1.2 What is the goal of XMSS?

The main goal is to redefine usability in order to accomplish, cover and overcome complexity, by internalising holistic and cutting edge knowledge and concepts in one user interface.

The concept of XMSS is leant on the “nature” of the user and the way he thinks and feels, using knowledge of scientific and market-oriented know-how in usability and Business Analytics (BA), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) etc.

Also methods of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and scientific computing are integrated in the XMSS functionality, in order to increase the mathematical and methodological compatibility in its application.

The insights from the fields of perceptual psychology and Gestalttheorie serve to optimize the quality of the usability of XMSS and its continous further development.


1.3 What´s the use?

In our IT-dominated offices and workspaces users often are hired (and sometimes unfortunately doomed) to work with awkward software.

The holistic and intelligent use of user interfaces based on multimedial and multimodal interaction technologies must be oriented on the human nature.

The vision is – as Matsumoto the founder of Ruby put it –

“We are the masters, they (machines) are the slaves” (Matsumoto 2005, p. 5).

Concerning the key issues and indicators of an holistic human performance, fundemantal inderdisciplinary research s highly necessary.

The specific elements of a given MSS-environment are integrated in the XMSS-User-Interface (UI). The XMSS design is conceived to support the interaction between users, developers, departements, the management and the IT.

This prototype vs. 05 gives an idea of the advantages of the new creative leeway and room to manoeuvre through your business entities.

XMSS depicts the entirety of all relevant objects and processes of your enterprise, communicating with the service architecture of your company.

The intelligent XMSS-UI integrates and adapts all applications, services, processes, objects, data and human resources in just one interface, capable of learning, supporting, describing and analyzing the user- system-interactions aided by special services and agents.


1.4 Overview



  • a tailored Information Systems for management and decision support,
  • a user-friendly, meta-model-based design to be applied on a given business,
  • an individually integratable framework into the entrepreneurial needs and requiremens
  • helpful in giving all participants a clear overview of the entrepreneural potential
  • High-level reality orientation
  • Main goal: Reengineering or/and enhancing of (more or less) inefficient Management-Information Systems
  • The current prototype is built upon a J2EE-Environment with an integrated browser-interface.
  • You can download an executable version of XMSS vs. 0.5 („xmss_vs05.zip“) here:


And here you can watch the video example of XMSS in use.

2 The User-Interface

The UI of XMSS vs. 05 is based on the Java technology – the next version 0.7 will be migrated to Python (June 2016).

The XMSS-UI is composed of XMSS-Views (see 2.3) designed for an intuitive use.

The navigation-functionality of the optimized Management Information System will be the result of these user-adaptable views with specific behaviours, like the objects in the real world.

2.1 The XMSS UI



Figure 3: XMSS vs. 0.5 – JAVA – GUI – Main View

2.2 Usability and User Experience

  • XMSS-views are specific reality-oriented perspectives of a given part of the MSS or the enterprise in general.
  • The main-frame of the XMSS-Java-GUI is divided vertically in two halfs:
  • In the upper half it´s possible to select modules or processes within a tree-logic.
  • In the lower half it´s possible to integrate and preview XHTML-documents logically and physically in the XMSS.
  • Further on special web- or desktop-based applications and services can be opened directly from the UI.


2.3 XMSS-Views

The XMSS-JAVA-GUI-View contains some of these views:
– object-,
– process-,
– menu- and
– tree-views

Other UI are browser- and/or plug-in-based like the

– main map-,
– department view and
– extern-views.

Figure 4: XMSS vs. 0.5 View – Main Map

Figure 5: XMSS vs. 0.5 View – Extern View


eXtended Management Support Systems